For centuries the foothills of Alto Piemonte have provided sustenance and a way of life for the people who live here. This land and its temperate climate have always been a favored place which produced a bounty of agricultural products. Cows and sheep graze in Alpine meadows, providing milk, butter and cheese. Orchards produce apples, pears, cherries and figs. Heirloom rice and corn grows in the valleys. Mushrooms, chestnuts and wild salad greens in the are found in the forests and in between vineyard rows, and trout are abundant in the Alpine streams. In our town of Masserano vineyards, orchards and vegetable gardens covered the hills until the mid-twentieth century. For most families the daily walk to the vineyard to tend the grapes, work in the vegetable gardens and tend to the animals was a daily ritual that defined life in these hills. At home the family cook took the products of the land and prepared meals that respected these, primary ingredients. The kitchen was and remains the center of family life. Most of this work in field and in kitchen was done by hand, forging a bond between the earth and the worker, between ingredients and the cook. And from the vineyard came wine, the most iconic of agricultural products, a partnership between nature and the person which transformed the grape into a food of daily sustenance and conviviality. The vintages store4edprovided a histrory over the .
After the two world wars Piedmont, like the rest of northern Italy, industrialized rapidly. The factories in nearby Biella and Torino offered jobs in textiles and in automotive manufacturing which became an easier way to earn a living. Many of the vineyards were abandoned. But the agricultural traditions persisted, as did winemaking in small family vineyards and in a few remaining commercial wineries. Today a new generation of young people are reclaiming these ancient vineyards and the traditional ways of making wine. The post-war experience with modern agriculture has shown that natural farming practices and biodiversity are the key to healthy and sustainable food production. In the cellar the old ways of making wine, allowing nature to take its course with natural yeasts and simple techniques, were once again discovered to produce the best wine.
It is our mission and our privilege to reclaim these ancient vineyards and these ancient wine-making traditions to produce wines of distinction. And it is our mission and privilege to carry on the rich tradition of Piedmontese cooking, home cooking elevated to simple elegance. We do so with respect for this land and respect for its products, and respect for the traditions of hand craftmanship with have always bee.
Fine wine makers know that great wine is made in the vineyard, meaning that any wine is only as good as the fruit from which it is made. Good farming practices and vineyard management are thus fundamental to making great wine. Work in the vineyard must have as its primary objectives the production of the best fruit and the sustainability of the land. Decades of modern agricultural practice has taught us that the use of organic methods and the maintenance of biodiversity are key to achieving these goals. We employ only organic composts and fertilizers in our vineyards. We do not use pesticides of any sort and use only copper and sulfer, natural elements, to control pests and diseases, and only in the quantities necessary. Naturally occurring grasses, wild salad greens, and flowers are encouraged to flourish between our vine rows, as are beneficial insects. Grass cutting is kept to a minimum to protect the soil and keep soil temperatures cool. We will also gradually introduce farm animals, such as chickens and small sheep, to control grasses and provide natural manure. We will also introduce biodynamic practices, which is a step beyond organic and looks to the rhythms of the natural world. Much of the work is done by hand to limit the use of mechanized vehicles which compact the soil.
Yields are carefully controlled. Vines are carefully pruned during the winter to limit fruit production. Grape bunches are thinned as the season progresses, allowing the vine to concentrate its resources on only the best bunches. Late in the season diseased or damaged grapes are cut away. The timing of the harvest is also carefully controlled. Different grape varieties in different vineyards are harvested only at the time that each variety is at optimal ripeness for each of our wines. All harvesting is done by hand. Grape bunches are examined as they are cut in the vineyard and any diseased or damaged fruit is cut off before the bunch goes into the harvest basket.
We regard ourselves as stewards of this land. It is our mission and our passion to make wine that is wholesome and delicious, as any food should be. We also want to leave this land and these vineyards teeming with life for the generations who come after us.
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